
Direct mail has been a go-to marketing tool since time began. And it works.

Well, kinda.

Direct mail has a couple of obvious drawbacks. One, it’s wasteful. Two, because it’s wasteful, it’s pricey. Sending a flyer to anyone with a mailbox, whether a good prospect or not, means most flyers take a flyer straight into the recycling bin.

There’s a way better way to reach your client’s true audience.

Email first, mail later.

Start with an email message to that same, broad audience (our data guys can provide the list) — at a fraction of the cost of direct mail. Then, see who opens the email (our tracking tools can tell you this). Finally, follow up with a direct-mail piece — but just to the openers, the people who have shown interest in your client’s offering. Read more about Multi-Channel Campaigns here.

Email first.Reach only the best prospects. And save. A lot.

Pro tip: Root through your own mailbox for direct-mail pieces (dentists and medical people are prolific direct-mailers), then go pitch these prospects on the Email First approach. They’ll thank you later.
